The Indie Writer project, Week 5 check-in

Your check-in for Week 5 of The Indie Writer pilot project. 

For those of you who have read Sunday’s post, you’ll know that this week’s challenge is the first where we had the opportunity to write on any theme we wanted to.

I’m pleased to say the first of these entries are in.

Here's your mid-week check-in.

📝 Things written during week 5 so far (a selection of little extracts)

Nature, Art and Ritual  Before anything else is written here, there’s a new word I learned a few days ago that I find both fascinating and really brilliant. The word is PETRICHOR! This word comes from the Ancient Greek word, “STONE” and “CHOR” which is… the ethereal fluid in the blood of the gods in Greek Mythology.Rita’s blog

The struggle continues Pema Chödrön tells a great story: A Buddhist monk in training approached his teacher and told him that when he meditated, his back hurt. He went on to say that this clearly indicated that he wasn't cut out to be a monk, and that he was a failure at everything he had tried and...the teacher interrupted and said, “So what you're telling me is that your back hurts.” - wsquared’s blog

Anything I Want I learned how to become a blur and look beautiful doing it. I was living for art and not apologizing about it to anyone ever ever ever. The poems and paintings I made put on their clothes in the morning morning and gave in in embraces at night night. - Darin’s blog

Random Thoughts I finished reading Rebekah Mallory’s memoir, Mirrors Strike Back, and I resonated so much with her story. Our stories aren’t similar, but our feelings, reactions and intuition are. One quote I absolutely love is, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” Wow. So simple, but so difficult to do. And it meant so much at this point in my life when I’m dealing with a challenging person. - Patricia’s blog

Strawberry Moon and Summer Solstice Today is the full strawberry Moon. According to Native American symbolism, it signifies the time of the harvest of ripe, juicy berries, or in a broader sense, a time of great abundance.Anne’s blog 

Growing my ikigai. I've been thinking about the Japanese venn diagram that categorizes the overlapping types of work in life. Motivating realities include getting paid for what you do, what the world needs, what you love, and what you are good at.Jeff’s blog

Why Everyone Should Write So everyone is a writer. Similarly everyone is a creator. There is something creative or unique inside everyone. They just need to uncover that part themselves.Yugant’s blog

👏 Congratulations to those who have started their blogs

Tonya and Morgan have completed four writing challenges in one week

KatieKati and Lizzie have all taken part in their 1st challenges

✍️ Now over to you...

If you haven’t as yet, I hope you’ll sit down this week for 10 minutes and take part in this week’s challenge.

Here it is: Week 5 challenge

See you on Sunday for our next challenge,


PS. feel free to get creative with your blog. Different fonts, layouts, and pictures are all welcome. Your writing space is yours :)

💡 An idea: in your next challenge, share the view from your writing space. Here was mine earlier whilst putting together this newsletter: