The Indie Writer project, Week 2 check-in

A mid-week check-in for writers taking part in The Indie Writer challenge.

If you haven’t yet completed this week’s challenge, you’ll find some gentle encouragement in this email...

Dear writers,

It’s Wednesday over here in England, which means wherever you’re reading this we are nearly mid-way through Week 2 of our writing challenge.

If you received last Sunday’s email, you’ll know that this week’s theme is “about me”. And at this point I have a confession.

This is probably the most difficult theme to write to in the whole challenge.

Writing about ourselves, for a whole number of reasons, isn't an easy thing.

Still, we’d love to read something about you, however small it may be :)

📝  Here are extracts from Week 2’s entries:

Currently, I am taking a summer course in Bipsychology. This is challenging and keeps me on my toes. It is a second year course here at a local university in the Vancouver area. – Jeff’s blog (Vancouver area, Canada)

I am currently on a spiritual journey, so I’m spending time “going within” to heal and release past wounds and limiting beliefs that have held me back from living the life I’m meant to live. I guess what I’m doing is called “shadow work.” – Grace’s blog (Canada)

I have always felt like someone ‘on the outside, looking in’.... mostly feeling like I didn’t ‘belong’ anywhere or in any group. Except when I joined basketball, volleyball and track in High School. Mind you, it was in the 1970’s so women’s sports ‘wasn’t a thing’ yet… – Rita’s blog (The Wild western part of the US)

I am an INFP personality type. I am at home in a forest on a spring day. I am a writer. I am a writer. - Vicky’s blog (Spain)

Peg Cheng is a Taiwanese-American writer, indie publisher, community gardener, urban wildlife spotter, forest bather, reiki practitioner, tarot and metaphysical studies student, sticker addict, and lifelong journaling enthusiast. – Peg’s blog (Seattle, WA)

I am a single mother of three. I live in Sweden and I am trying to make my was as a writer of erotic novels. So far it has been going well. I have four stories that are almost finished. – Rose.M.Lovely’s blog (Sweden)

I am a learner by profession! No kiddin 😜 My day job is to learn about learning and how technology and humans can 🤝  in that area. I am also a perfect example of an intellectual monkey mind. Put more subtly I go where my sense of wonder takes me. Hope I don't end up as the cat(man) that got killed for its curiosity. – Roshan H’s blog (Bangalore, India)

After failing college classes a few times, and working a number of low-paying jobs I didn’t like, I decided to give up everything and work on my own creative projects. I was always much more interested in living a creative life instead of working the same job every day. – John’s blog (Indiana, USA)

If you haven’t already, take just 10 minutes to write to this week’s challenge: “about me”. Using a timer might help you ⏲️

Just let yourself write, and see what comes out.

It might be two words, or it might be two hundred words. I’m cheering you on! 😊

See you on Sunday,


PS. As of January 2024, The Indie Writer is now 👥 INF Club. Join us there!