My 5 favourite resources as an independent writer

These are my favourite resources as an independent writer. They feel as valuable today as they were when I first came across them.

So after sending my latest (and what should be my last 🤞) set of amendments to my e-book formatter earlier in the week, I gently checked-in for an update this morning and got the following back:

So I’m in eager-waiting mode. I’m hoping this weekend I can get this uploaded (I’ve heard it can take 24-48hrs to display on Amazon), and that The Indie Author will be available to purchase at the start of next week. Needless to say, I’m excited!

In the meantime, I thought I’d do something a little different today and share 5 things that have particularly shaped and inspired me on this journey as a writer and creator.

I feel they remain as relevant now as they did when they were first published, and they are all free resources I have returned to and probably will continue to.

Here they are:

1) An e-book (PDF) 📜 18 Months, 2 Blogs, Six Figures, by Corbett Barr

Probably the first thing I read that helped me realise wow, you can earning a living as a writer?!

2) A TEDx talk 📺 How to find and do work you love, by Scott Dinsmore

Something that really spoke to me around the time I took ‘the leap’ and left my corporate job back in 2015.

3) A podcast episode 🎙️ Life as an Independent Artist, by Charlotte Erikkson

I (re)discovered this when I was on a flight and searching through my previously-downloaded stuff and it was so good. So good that I got very excited and posted a long twitter thread all about it.

4) A book 📖 The $100 Startup, by Chris Guillebeau

At a time when I was exploring “doing my own thing”, this book resonated with me amongst the sea of startup and entrepreneurship stuff I was reading.

5) A blog piece 📝 1000 True Fans, by Kevin Kelly

This concept underpins the creative business I am building. Charlotte Eriksson also talks about this piece in her podcast episode (see #3).

I hope you enjoy these as much as I have. If you’re someone who knows you want to make money from your writing, or you’ve started to do that already, I believe there’ll be at least something valuable in these that you’ll take away with you.

It’s been interesting for me to re-connect with these… I find I take away something different, or perhaps connect with it in a different way now that I have more experience on this path, each time I do.

Btw, let me know if you have any favourite things about making money as a writer or creative person. I love learning about and diving into this stuff :)



PS. As of January 2024, The Indie Writer is now 👥 INF Club. Join us there!