3 things that can get in the way of finishing your book

Anyone who who has embarked on the enduring task that is writing a book will know that getting started is only the beginning.

Making a start on your book is an exciting time, but there are many obstacles that can arise and stop you from getting it finished.

Today we’re going to looking at three of the more common ones – and how you can overcome them.

Whichever stage you’re at in your writing journey – whether you’re at the very early stages or you’re well on your way to writing your book – I hope you take something from this post…

**#1: Finding time (and consistency) with your writing

So you’ve put pen to paper and you’ve finally mustered up the willpower to start getting your idea out of your head and onto the page. Maybe you start from the beginning, or somewhere in the middle. And then…

Whack. Out of nowhere something crops up to disturb your rhythm. Perhaps the kids are home for the school holidays, work just got real busy, or you just… lost the will and motivation. It might just take an off-day or two for the momentum to drop off.

There are a million-and-one things that seem more timely than doing your writing.

A writer friend I know told me she has written several books by writing for an hour every week.* One hour. Every week.*

If you don’t consciously make time to write (yup, even you pantsers out there), sooner or later you’ll run out of steam and it’ll feel like you’re trying to walk uphill with a backpack full of rocks.

Schedule time in your diary. Join a writing group. Find a coach or an accountability partner.

If you don’t make your writing a priority, life will conspire to get in the way. Trust me.

#2: Getting overwhelmed with the book writing process

Let’s be honest, going from zero to book can seem like a lot to navigate.

Where do I start? Do I write to a structure or free-write? Do I just write or edit as I go? What about the editing, proofreading, book cover… how do I do that?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and distracted by ALL THE PARTS of putting a book together.

Whilst there are three main phases to writing a book (writing, editing, formatting), phase one is the first draft. That’s simply getting all the words out, in whichever form and order they come out in, however messy it looks.

In other words, whilst you’re writing your first draft, simply let yourself write.

Don’t think about the editing process. Don’t think about what your aunt is going to think about the not-yet-book you’re going to release into the world. Don’t think about the fame and the glory or how many people are going to turn up to your launch party.

All of that stuff can *take up mental energy at the very least and, at most, terrify the living daylights out of us.

So do yourself a favour and, whilst you’re getting your book out onto the page, let yourself do that and that alone.

Don’t think about editing or book covers or the future release.

Stay in the present and just let yourself do the writing.*

#3: Comparing yourself to your favourite authors

If you’re someone who is drawn to writing, I’ll bet you’ve been around books in some way for a large part of your life. They give you warm and fuzzy memories and you’ve spent many, many hours devouring all the books.

Books are beautiful creations that can teach and inspire us in so many ways.

But the presence of all of these amazing, beautiful-looking books in our life can make us ask things like:

Am I capable of producing something like this?”

“Am I worthy?”

Am I foolish for even trying?”

At this point you might remember a comment from a teacher or parent when we were younger who dismissed your writing or creative work and made you question your worthiness as a writer.

The thing to remember in the midst of this is to simply run your own race.

You don’t have to be Stephen King, or that amazing writer in your writing class, or whoever it might be.



PS. As of January 2024, The Indie Writer is now 👥 INF Club. Join us there!