18: The Divided Selfie LP – a conversation with Laurence Warner

A conversation with Laurence Warner (aka Cerulean), independent performing artist

My conversation partner this week is Laurence Warner, aka 'Cerulean'.

In Laurence's own words: “I'm Cerulean, an independent Performing Artist, born Laurence Warner in Eastleigh, a small town on England's South Coast. I make pop music for your ears AND your brain (and sometimes even your funny bone too)! I'm proudly #SavvyIndie, but I love to collaborate with creatives across The Arts & Tech to put on a show.”

Find Laurence at: wa.rner.me

We talk about:

- Laurence’s music-making process - Making money from your art - Is Laurence an extrovert or an ambivert? - The “organic” journey of the indie artist - Why Laurence makes music, and the magic of “sonic experiences” (music) vs verbal (words) - Who is Cerulean? (aka Laurence’s artist name) - Using the internet to share your authentic expression with other people… but balancing this with using tech in an intentional way - Laurence’s advice for indie musicians promoting their work - The joy of being an ‘independent artist’ vs going ‘traditional’ - SavvyIndie: Laurence’s plans for this community for independent musicians / music artists

by Jas Hothi, with music by Chris Porter

PS. As of January 2024, The Indie Writer is now 👥 INF Club. Join us there!