As someone who has been using Substack, on and off, since 2019, I have been a curious participator and bystander for a while.
Today, someone I know who has recently joined substack asked me what my 3 top tips would be for someone new to the platform, who would like to get the most out of it. This person has an existing, significant following on short-form social media.
As always, my caveat is to take every piece of advice you come across with a pinch of salt (yup, including mine).
Here are my raw thoughts on this question, for this person:
— Ask their existing following for feedback; in the form of a or Typeform survey. No matter how large you following, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of your customer persona(s), so you can find ONE (type of) PERSON to be able to produce content for
— Continue to record videos on the platform(s) where they have the most engaged following, linking to the above survey form. My suggestion would be to include the link in the description on YouTube
— Ask for an email address as one of the fields for this survey, so that:
a) following up is possible
b) they are beginning to convert these algorithmic relationships to deeper ones that they are in control of
c) follow up is possible on email. As I write this, email (and arguably text/whatsapp) is the deepest forms of 1:many instant communication possible
PS. Thanks, Jamie, for asking the question that led to this post — and could lead to a podcast voicenote. If you have any questions, feel free to reply.